GDPR Compliance & Data Protection Services

Archimede Solutions supports you in assessing, implementing, documenting and certifying your compliance with data regulations to reduce your risks and develop competitive advantages. Our international team of legal, cybersecurity, and compliance experts encompasses Swiss, European, and extra-European data protection laws and regulations. Our expertise encompass current and upcoming regulations, including Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection, European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Data Governance Act (DGA), Digital Services Act (DSA), Digital Market Act (DMA), ePrivacy, NIS 2 Directive, Artificial Intelligence Act, Data Act, Cyber Resilience Act, Medical Device Regulation (MDR), European Health Data Space, etc. Having led the development of the Europrivacy certification scheme on GDPR compliance and the Cybersecurity Systemic Assessment of Risk (CSAR) methodology, our team continues to frontrun the evolution of data protection compliance by being actively engaged in European research projects in areas such as artificial intelligence, eHealth and medical data, 5Gsmart cities, connected vehicles and smart grid. Our data protection services encompass:

Personal Data Protection Services

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Building Trust and Security

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