Audit of Compliance and Gap Analysis
We perform audit of compliance and gap analysis with Swiss, European (GDPR) and other national and domain specific regulations on data protection. We also support the preparation of Europrivacy certification, which is the reference certification scheme to certify the conformity of data processing with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Europrivacy enables to:
1 – Identify and Reduce Legal and Financial Risks
through a systematic audit and gap analysis
2 – Improve Reputation and Access to Market
through GDPR certification
3 – Build Trust and Confidence
through continuous monitoring and updates
Europrivacy is managed by the European Centre for Certification and Privacy (ECCP) located in Luxembourg with the suport of an International Board of Experts in data protection and cybersecurity. Archimede Solutions took part in the development of Europrivacy in the context of the European research programme and it serves as a member of its international board of experts.